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Top Tips to Grow Customer Engagement with Personalized Communication

As people becoming more proficient using the internet, they are also getting more skeptical about the marketing messages they see. Gone are the days when you could blast a group of people messages. Today, we call that spamming. No one wants a spammer. To get people’s attention, you have to bring them timely, relevant messages that resonates with them. This is why personalization is becoming so popular because it helps build a relationship with the customer on a deeper level.

If you’re struggling to grow customer engagement for your brand, you can try these tips for personalized communication. After you implement these, expect to see your engagement rise.

1. Use data to your advantage

Data is your best friend when it comes to personalization. No matter how fancy your marketing strategies are whether it’s media PR, giant billboard ads, or drone video marketing, if you don’t use the data, you won’t be getting your money’s worth. Make personalization worth it and gather as much data as you can. This helps you create those buyer personas so you can provide content that is relevant to each group. The more it resonates with them, the better your engagement will be.

2. Communicate in their preferred channel

There are many ways to communicate these days: email, chat, text, apps, social media, phone call. You may have some customers that prefer online review systems while some may want to use this digital comment card system captures on-the-spot ratings. The list goes on. Does that mean you should be reaching the customer across all channels? Definitely not! It’s very intrusive and will only annoy the customer. Take note of the platforms that your customer prefers to communicate in and stick to that.

3. Use automation

Okay, this seems counterintuitive to your goal of personalizing communication but it can actually help you save time. Automation can be used to personalize the customer experience. For example, when a customer adds an item to their shopping cart but later abandons it for some reason, you can send them an email letting them know that the price for the item has dropped, or that there are other similar items in stock.

Another way to personalize is by providing product recommendations based on the customer’s purchase history. Let’s say they purchased a set of pots. The next time they visit your eCommerce store, they should see related products like maybe an apron, gloves, or mixer. With automation, you can still deliver relevant messages to your customers without spending too much time on it.

4. Use Promotional Items

Utilizing promotional items as incentives for customer engagement is a powerful strategy in modern marketing. By offering a free, customized company swag item, such as a branded tote bag, keychain, or T-shirt, as a reward for specific actions like signing up for a newsletter or making a purchase, businesses can effectively boost customer engagement. These incentives not only provide tangible value to customers but also create a sense of exclusivity and appreciation. Put simply, promotional themes serve as a constant reminder of your brand, fostering brand loyalty and potentially turning customers into brand advocates. Now, you can partner with promotional merchandise companies to source and customize these items, thereby ensuring a professional and impactful presentation of your brand. This approach not only drives immediate engagement with your marketing campaigns and products but also contributes to long-term customer relationships and brand visibility.

5. Host events for your customers

One effective way to enhance customer engagement and loyalty is by hosting events tailored to your target audience’s preferences. For instance, restaurants and cafes can plan themed nights, culinary workshops, or live entertainment to create a memorable experience. Similarly, if you’re organizing a product launch party open to the public, then you could Hire steam punk circus performers or arrange similar entertainment based on the interests of the crowd. While children may enjoy circus performances, adults might favor sophisticated live music or interactive activities aligned with their interests. Customizing the entertainment for different age groups and preferences ensures a diverse and enjoyable experience for all attendees, ultimately maximizing the impact of your event and cultivating positive associations with your brand.

6. Add names to all correspondence

The next time you are thinking of Christmas card design ideas for the message you’re going to send over to your customers during the holidays, don’t forget their name. It makes a big difference in how a customer views your brand and your relationship with them. Whether it’s through email, chat, a thank you card or notification, you should be adding their name in the salutation. When they see that they are being addressed by their name, they are likely to respond as opposed to just being called “customer” or “client”.

7. Start a loyalty programs

A loyalty program is one great way to reward customers for their patronage. For example, for every 10 orders of a product they purchase, the 11th one is for free. Or you could keep a data record of every purchase they make which earns them points that they can use as an exchange for a specific item. There are many tools out there that let you keep track of customer loyalty. Use it to your advantage to grow a loyal customer base.

8. Respect privacy

As much as users crave personalization, there are those who don’t feel comfortable with it and find it borderline creepy. Some customers prefer to shop in privacy and not be bombarded with recommendations, newsletters, and promotional emails. Give your customer the option to opt out of these services. They will appreciate the thought and will most likely stick with you.

Do you already have some of these things implemented in your current strategy? Share your stories in the comments below.