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Category: Financial News

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Financial Literacy for Teens: Preparing the Next Generation

Financial literacy is a crucial skill that empowers individuals to make informed decisions about money management, budgeting, saving, investing, and planning for the future. As the next generation prepares to enter adulthood, it’s essential to equip teens with the knowledge and skills they need
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The Growth of the Cryptocurrency Industry in Recent Years

The crypto economy has reached important milestones in recent times, propelling the digital asset’s record climb at the start of this year. The industry is anticipated to maintain its pace long after rallies stop. Cryptocurrencies were an intellectual notion ten years ago, relatively unknown
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Top 4 Financial Surprises in the Trucking Industry and How to Avoid Them

Hauling retail goods and transporting products, materials and produce are the top clients served by the trucking industry. However, with the halt in major productions and services, due to the recent pandemic outbreak, the trucking and logistics industry have experienced quite a downturn in
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The era of cryptocurrency has turned the modern world upside down. Anyone can explore this industry and start earning by investing and then receiving passive income. Cryptocurrency Exchange P2PB2B platform offers different opportunities for trading. Bitcoin Outlook The Bitcoin cryptocurrency appeared in 2008with the
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Harrison Funding Tips for Debt Management

When it comes to credit card debt, it’s really easy to get overwhelmed and not know which way to turn. One day everything’s fine, you’re using your credit cards, and the next you’ve gotten so far into debt that you can’t get your head
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5 Strategies By Georgetown Funding to Manage Early Retirement

We all have an innate desire for other people to admire us. Unfortunately, many people take it a little too far and buy products and services on credit cards to impress others. However, you don’t need to simulate the illusion of success because there
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Understanding the Financial Cost of Pest Infestation to Business Ventures

According to research by opinion wire, 90% of businesses surveyed recently reported at-least one pest infestation in the past five years. Consequently, such companies increased their operating costs in terms of repairs, maintenance, and even replacements due to the infestation. The assumption that only
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Sports Betting – a practical application of the advantages of crypto tech

One of the biggest blows to have been dealt to the emerging crypo technology, known as the block-chain, was indeed that of the value of Bitcoin falling quite spectacularly following its colossal rise. Anti-crypto advocates, such as those people whose positions in the financial
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The 8x8x8 Rule for Living a Full Life

Let’s face it, no matter how we look at it, life is all about chasing the paper – making money so that you can just LIVE. When you meet somebody for the very first time, within a few back-and-forth exchanges the topic of what