Vitamin E comes in two subcategories, and these are tocopherols and tocotrienols. It is a nutrient that is so vital for the need for proper body and brain function.
Four types of toctrienols occur naturally. These are; alpha, gamma, beta and delta. In addition, tocotrienols occur in the oils of plants like wheat germ, barley, rice bran, and palm fruit.
Over and above these, tocotrienols are also available as supplements and capsules. We should appreciate that while tocotrienols and tocopherols may be so similar in structure, they have slightly different health benefits.
According to experts, tocotrienols have far more benefits than tocopherols, which are even more powerful than the benefits of normal tocopherols.
What are the Common Forms and Uses of Tocotrienols?
By and large, tocotrienols hardly occur in nature, and when they do, they occur in very levels. You can find tocotrienols in wheat germ, rice bran, oats, barley, and palm.
In as much as palm is the most concentrated natural source of tocotrienols, experts say that you would still have to consume large quantities of the oil to ingest the sufficient amount to bring you the necessary health benefits. So, ideally, consider looking for supplements. Also, think of the use of a tocotrienol standard and reference items. Tocotrienols can also be found being dispensed in the form of supplements and capsules. These are available in health food stores and pharmacies. We also find the best quality reference substances. The tocopherol and tocotrienol standards you will find here are highly purified substances.
The following are the health benefits of the use of tocotrienols.
- Reduced Hair Loss: Tocotrienols, a form of vitamin E, have proven effective in minimizing hair loss. Research indicates that these compounds can enhance scalp blood flow, reduce inflammation, and inhibit the production of DHT, a hormone linked to hair loss. Additionally, tocotrienols contribute to strengthening hair follicles and stimulating the production of new hairs, promoting a reduction in hair loss and supporting healthy hair growth. However, in some instances, preventing hair loss can be challenging, particularly if it’s due to genetic factors or specific medical conditions. In such cases, even after experiencing hair loss, restoration is possible through a hair transplant. Given that this treatment can be costly, it’s advisable to thoroughly examine the hair transplant cost birmingham (or wherever you are) and opt for an affordable option for this procedure.
- Neuroprotection: Tocotrienols are known for having neuroprotective qualities. They reach the brain faster and with ease, making them ideal for brain health and improving brain function. Studies have shown that tocotrienols can reduce oxidative stress, inflammation, and cell death associated with neurological disorders. They can also reduce the risk of neurodegenerative diseases and improve learning and memory. Tocotrienols can also be used to treat stroke, brain injuries, and other neurological conditions. They can also help protect the brain from toxins and other environmental pollutants.
- Reduced risk of cardiovascular disease: Tocotrienols reduce cholesterol levels, which goes a long way in improving heart health. Additionally, they help slow down the build-up of plaque which often leads to cardiovascular diseases. Therefore, tocotrienols are as such quite ideal for the sake of maintaining proper health of the heart. They also reduce inflammation and have been known to reduce the risk of atherosclerosis. Furthermore, they can help reduce blood pressure, an important factor in preventing cardiovascular diseases. Tocotrienols also have an effect on cholesterol levels, which can help reduce the risk of stroke and heart attack. They can also help to reduce cholesterol levels in the blood, further reducing the risk of cardiovascular disease.