The U.S. military is known to offer compensation to veterans who are suffering from an injury or a condition that is a result of their service in the military. This could also be an illness sustained during service time or existing illness that was made worse by military service. To get this compensation, your VA Disability Lawyer must prove the condition is service connected, and the compensation differs with the percentage ranging from 10 percent to 100 percent. However, the compensation can go beyond 100 percent in what is referred to as special monthly compensation. There is a compensation rate table that is used to determine the amount that a veteran can be compensated.
Qualifying Factors
There are three factors that determine whether you will receive the veterans’ compensation. The first condition is that you must be suffering from a medically diagnosed disability. This means that you will require papers to show that you are suffering from a certain condition. A medical professional can also testify on your behalf. The second consideration is that you as the veteran must have a precipitating injury or disease during service time. Finally, you must be able to prove or testify that the current condition is a result of military service. Most claims are denied in the third phase as they are difficult to prove.
People suffering from a second condition that may have been caused by a condition suffered during military times may also warrant compensation. Also, substandard care in a military hospital is ground for compensation.
Case Scenario
The best way to understand military compensation is through an example. For instance, consider that you are diagnosed with PSTD by your psychiatrist. If your doctor can prove that you suffer from PSTD due to military service experience, the military should be able to compensate you. Also, remember that your compensation will be determined by the percentage of your disability like earlier mentioned.
Veterans Pension
You will also require a disability lawyer if you are being denied veterans pension. However, there are conditions that you must fulfil before you are eligible. For instance, you must have served in the military for 90 days. At the same time, you must have been on the battlefield for at least a day in your military service time. Things are quite different for people who served in the military before 1980. This requires people who served prior to this date to have served in the military for over 24 months. Also, they should be earning little compared to the standard that has been set by the Congress.
To receive veterans’ pension, a dishonorable discharge is not an option. If your lawyer can prove that you deserve the pension, it can be provided to you in two ways. You can receive aid and attendance or house aid. Aid attendance is offered to veterans who are ailing and are probably bedridden. You may want to read up further on military discharge, so take a look at this article here to understand more about what is going on and how you can work your way through this.
This article offers an insight of the conditions that should be fulfilled to receive military compensation. It also gives a case scenario that may warrant compensation. Finally, the article talks about military pension and who is eligible.