Things to know about divorce in Connecticut!
Filing for divorce is never an easy decision. There are numerous things to consider, and more importantly, the decision can be a roller-coaster ride. Hiring a divorce law for filing is not mandatory in Connecticut, but it is still wise to engage an experienced lawyer for the entire process. Law firms like Broder Orland Murray & DeMattie LLC have been helping clients with divorce proceedings and family law matters for years, and they can help you with your rights and protect your interests. Here are some things to know about divorce in Connecticut.
- Connecticut is a no-fault state. This simply means that ‘breakdown of marriage’ is enough to file for divorce. You don’t have to blame your partner to file for divorce, but fault can still be considered by the court. Before you file for divorce in Connecticut, you have to prove that you or your partner has domiciled in the state for at least 12 months before the date of filing.
- The court in Connecticut has the power to distribute properties, regardless of other factors. Things like the period of marriage, income of both parties, cause of the breakdown of the marriage, and liabilities of the spouses will be considered for distribution of assets.
- The same attorney cannot represent two people at the same time in a divorce. In other words, if you are filing for divorce, you have to consider hiring your own attorney, or can file on your own.
- Alimony in Connecticut can be awarded to either party. In some cases, $1 annually is granted, which allows one of the spouses to modify the same, if need be. Alimony can be also paid as a lump-sum amount, or through periodic payments. The factors that are considered for division of property will be considered for deciding alimony, as well.
- As far as child custody and support is considered, the court will take a call on the same in the best interests of the child.
Hiring an attorney for divorce in Connecticut is all about looking for experience. Find a lawyer that you can trust and make sure that family law is their area of specialty. The first meeting with an attorney is always for free, so you can expect to get genuine advice when you discuss your circumstances. Ask about their fee and other details before you hire them and do make sure that they will be handling the case personally.